Let's chat diversity with Azzah.
Born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Azzah has dominated the outdoor diversity industry for the last 3 years.
Through her many speaking engagements with profile clients such as MEC, Arcteryx, and The Mountain Film Festival, Azzah focuses on topics such as diversifying the outdoors, female empowerment, inclusion, and self-love.
Azzah’s energy is contagious as she shares her goals of encouraging inclusion in the outdoors.
Watch Azzah’s film “Facing Sunrise” with Mec ↠

Kieren speaks on confidence, happiness, and social media.
From conferences to schools, with audiences of all ages, Kieren shares the beauty of growth, acceptance, and change; building confidence, collaboration and community; and learning to love your life. Speaking on multiple topics, she shares the message of the L.A. Foundation to inspire, empower, and motivate others.
Kieren speaks about her life experiences of cycling across Canada, converting a school bus into a home and traveling for a year, shifting from the corporate lifestyle to entrepreneurship, navigating the social media world with a healthy mindset, and the trials and tribulations that running a business has taught her. She speaks from both life and business experience, sharing her struggles, her roadblocks, her heartbreaks, and her failures to help others grow.

Speaking Topics
Healthy social media usage (adults, teenagers, parent + kids groups, teachers)
Social media can be a positive tool encouraging connection, and inspiring growth in our youth today. But it can also be a damaging tool, effecting self-image, cognitive development, in-person communication, and can cause depression, improper comparison, bullying and other harmful events that can mentally, emotionally and physically effect youth today.
But youth are not the only group affected by social media. We all can find ourselves struggling with this “keep up with the Joneses” platform.
After witnessing first hand the negative effects of social media, and the “behind the scenes” view of the Influencer lifestyle, the L.A. Foundation wants to show the world the good, the bad, and the ugly of social media, and how to navigate this confusing world.
Parents + Kids:
There is a disconnect between parents and children when discussing social media. Let’s face it, our kid’s don’t always hear us when we warn them of the dangers of the internet. We can sound archaic, paranoid, and sometimes we do not understand the platforms they use, so we struggle discussing these platforms with our children.
What we sometimes forget is that parents had the chance to grow up without social media during an influential portion of their lives. Because of that, social media can be considered expendable to most individuals in their mid to late 20’s and older. We cherish connections outside our online communities, and we remember what life was like without it.
Individuals in the younger generations grew up immersed in social media. They grew up on Snapchat, Instagram and VSCO. Imagining life without it is a lot like their parents’ imaging life without tv, or their grandparents without radio. It is their generation’s connection to the world.
The L.A. Foundation helps bridge the gap between parents and their children to help discuss why social media is great, and why it can be extremely harmful, and how to navigate this uniting, and potentially destructive tool.
Living a limitless life (adaptable for all ages)
Limitations can be instilled upon us in many ways, but doubting our own abilities is the most damaging form of limitation. The L.A. Foundation talks about how to recognize important limitations, and how to weed out the limitations that stop us from living life to our fullest potential.
Expanding comfort zones (adaptable for all ages)
Comfort zones rarely lead to growth. The L.A. Foundation helps you recognize the areas in which you are stuck in your comfort zone, and how to take steps towards expanding this comfort zone to help you dream, grow, and achieve.
Building confidence in yourself (adaptable for all ages)
We all struggle with our self image. Whether it’s our physical image, our personality, our choice in careers, or our mannerisms, we find ways to pick ourselves apart. The L.A. Foundation shares ways to help grow your confidence, showing you how to nurture your love for yourself to help you gain the confidence you strive for.
The importance of every connection (kindness) (adaptable for all ages)
One sentence can change a life forever. We, as humans, have the beautiful ability to inspire, empower, and positively impact those around us. But we can negatively impact others as well. The L.A. Foundation shares how collaboration is always greater than competition, and how being kind, working together, and supporting others can help your individual growth as well.
Goal setting (adaptable for all ages)
Deep dive into your goals with the L.A. Foundation . What is holding you back? What obstacles will you face? What intrinsic personality traits do you already possess to help you overcome these obstacles? The L.A. Foundation not only speaks about the importance of goal setting and how to follow through, but pairing this with a workshop allows you to dive into your own goals, and game plan your next steps to accomplishing them.
The Non-Linear Option (grades 11 + 12, adults, teachers)
Kieren speaks through experience as she discusses that the only thing in life that is guaranteed is change. From corporate lifestyle, to travel, to corporate lifestyle, to entrepreneurship, Kieren talks about how decisions made today can and will influence your tomorrow, but will not concrete it. But the important thing is to keep moving forward, and to keep growing.
Making a decision on a degree is a terrifying thing. The weight in which this decision seems to have can create decision paralysis, causing teens to feel anxious about their next steps. When in reality only 27% of graduates work in their field of study, and career shifts are extremely common. Kieren talks about how change and complexity are guaranteed in life, and a non-linear life path is not only okay, it is “normal”. But the important thing is to continue to take steps forward to your own growth in order to see where life takes you.
Workshops Include:
↠ Goal setting
↠ The Non-Linear Option (Projector Needed)
↠ Healthy social media usage (Projector Needed)
↠ Building Confidence
Partnering the topic(s) above with a workshop will be a 1 – 1.5 hour session. Workshops must be paired with their topics above.
If you would like more than one conversation topic focused on, please feel free to customize your event to cover the topics you would like.
Each workshop contains handouts to be printed and dispersed to each attendee present. You can review these handouts below. Each handout has a female version and a coed version available.
With groups over 50 attendees, or in large areas, we ask that AV and microphone be considered and provided.